
Is BidHere a Scam?
They are promoting the site mainstream and trying something illegal would simply be stupid. They can make it big without resorting to cheating. If they were cheating and people found out, it would spread fast and drive them away from their site. They do not have any reason to cheat at all.

They have a brilliant business model which is very enticing to the human psyche. People like competition, an element of chance, and adore getting deals. BidHere combines all this into one experience. Perhaps some people do not understand the rules, or simply have different expectations. From the outset its clear what the site is offering. Some may be confused that by spending money on bids and bidding they are somehow guaranteeing themselves a win.

It is clear that suspicion and loosing users will shout out Scam Ahead! Given the general element of distrust in recent times these people have no basis for their argument. They are simply bitter that they did not win anything.

BidHere: What Monkey?
There is definitely a strategy that can increase your chances of winning on BidHere. Many people are lured by the catchy BidHere ads and get very excited about the opportunity to get amazing 90% off deals. They place bids randomly and do not win anything. They spend a lot of their money and complain that BidHere is a scam.

BidHere is shopping that requires skills. You go up against people you already have some idea how to bid. If you do not follow simple rules you are going to waste your money and your chances of winning an auction will be significantly smaller or maybe even zero.

There are several rules no one should break. Never bid before last 15 seconds of the auction. Also find a product and stick to it, don't waste bids on random items.

One of the popular tactics at the moment entail using BidMonkey. This is a set and forget option, which places bids on your behalf. Also do not bid ahead of time, you will just loose out to the later bidders.

BidHere Real Deal
BidHere is not a scam and provides a great experience. They definitely have the ability to cheat their users. They could hire people to win every auction and keep the money. I do not believe they are doing that. I think their business model is so brilliant that they do not have to do that. By doing so, they would risk their reputation and with that their clientele. It is not worth to it to be a scam.


You can spend allot of time on BidHere trying to make a plan to win. My advise is simple, just make sure you practice before you dive in. The site gives you 5 Free Bids when you register. Have a little play around and enjoy bidding!


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